Working out of a former Sony Corporation semiconductor factory in the earthquake-damaged Eastern Japan, Shigeharu Shimamura has created this massive farm;  he’s designed what basically amounts to a food factory.  Using eighteen cultivation racks – each one about 15 levels high – the farm is equipped with specialized LED fixtures developed by GE, which emit wavelengths optimal for plant growth. Factor in some powerful hydroponics and the ability to easily control temperature, humidity, and irrigation, and you’ve got an impressive feat of engineering.  It spans the size of an entire football field, making it the world’s largest indoor farm to date.

It gets better, too. The farm – which just opened this month – uses only 1% of the water required by outdoor fields, and cuts the amount of produce discarded from the 50% regularly tossed by traditional farms down to a paltry 10%.  Shimamura’s brainchild is already producing 10,000 heads of lettuce per day, and will very likely increase that number in the near future. Get a few of these operational, and you’d be able to feed a city. Get enough of them up and running, and you might well be able to feed the world. That’s the idea, anyway – Shimamura’s company Mirai is already hard at work establishing “plant factories” in Hong Kong and the Far East of Russia. “Finally,” says Shimamura, “we are about to start the real agricultural revolution.”

World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 38World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 72World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 75World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 93World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 88World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 20World s Largest Indoor Farm Switches On in Japan - 22