Here’s where our list of most likely to questions comes in. You start a game of “Who’s most likely to…” and pretty soon, you’re laughing together and forgetting all about so-and-so’s political tweets or whether your fandom’s newest ship makes any sense. So, how can a bunch of silly questions make your together time better? And how do you get started?
How to Play Most Likely to Questions
You need two things for a rousing game of “Who’s most likely to…” And you can probably guess what those are. It helps to have a list of most likely to tag questions, so no one has to wait around for someone to think up the next one. Take turns or have the person who’s tagged ask the next question. Depending on personal preferences, you can either stick to the list or let players add questions of their own as you go.
125 Most Likely to Questions
Since you’ll be providing the people, we’ve provided this list of 125 good most likely to questions. Use as many for a single game as you like, and don’t overthink your answers.
Who’s Most Likely to Questions
- Who’s most likely to be a fantastic cook but a terrible dancer?
- Who’s most likely to travel the world on a boat with a punk band?
- Who’s most likely to have a million or more social media followers?
- Who’s most likely to bring home a stray animal and keep it as a secret pet?
- Who’s most likely to get a Guinness World Record for something?
- Who’s most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse but die from a bad can of chili?
- Who’s most likely to lock themselves out of the house (or car) — more than once?
- Who’s most likely to shave their head for a cause they consider worthy?
- Who’s most likely to learn a foreign language — and actually use it?
- Who’s most likely to become president of the United States?
- Who’s most likely to rush out to buy the newest smartphone?
- Who’s most likely to start their own business and succeed with it?
- Who’s most likely to leave the country and live somewhere else?
- Who’s most likely to live in a house where someone died a mysterious death?
- Who’s most likely to throw defective electronics out their window?
- Who’s most likely to learn how to play a musical instrument well?
- Who’s most likely to win a lip sync battle?
- Who’s most likely to sacrifice some of their freedom to protect others?
- Who’s most likely to stand up in defense of a stranger being bullied?
- Who’s most likely to say something well-intentioned but inappropriate?
- Who’s most likely to make by hand all the gifts they’ll give at Christmas?
- Who’s most likely to become a hacktivist or a vigilante hacker?
- Who’s most likely to retire to a cabin in the woods?
Funny Most Likely to Questions
- Who’s most likely to get an embarrassing tattoo while stone sober?
- Who’s most likely to fart loudly in public and pretend it was someone else?
- Who’s most likely to become a standup comedian poking fun at the U.S.?
- Who’s most likely to do drunk karaoke and make it a regular thing?
- Who’s most likely to get their daily vegetables from ketchup?
- Who’s most likely to be a superhero in real life?
- Who’s most likely to do things in public that would embarrass most people?
- Who’s most likely to wear the same clothes for a week or more?
- Who’s most likely to dye their hair a bright color in their fifties or later?
- Who’s most likely to make a prank call an ex?
- Who’s most likely to lie at a job interview and have it backfire spectacularly?
- Who’s most likely to tell a bad joke when giving a speech?
- Who’s most likely to watch NSFW content at their workplace?
- Who’s most likely to have uneaten food under the front seat of their car?
- Who’s most likely to get at leat half their weekly food from drive-thrus?
- Who’s most likely to start the day with a green smothie?
- Who’s most likely to start the day with ice cream?
- Who’s most likely to work a side gig as a clown for parties?
- Who’s most likely to spend a regular part of their income on lottery tickets?
- Who’s most likely to queue behind a mannequin at a store?
- Who’s most likely to do something weird (and possibly illegal) to pay for college?
- Who’s most likely to fall out of a tree?
- Who’s most likely to knock themselves out by walking into something?
- Who’s most likely to grossly exxaggerate the truth?
- Who’s most likely to yell at the TV when watching a movie?
Most Likely to Questions for Friends
- Who’s most likely to get a starring role (or any role) in a play?
- Who’s most likely to live in a big city?
- Who’s most likely to have the most piercings?
- Who’s most likely to wear a leather jacket — and rock it?
- Who’s most likely to get a tattoo while drunk?
- Who’s most likely to go bungee jumping?
- Who’s most likely to take up tarot card reading?
- Who’s most likely to invent something useful?
- Who’s most likely to wear a political t-shirt to a crowded public place?
- Who’s most likely to author a best selling book?
- Who’s most likely to reinvent themselves in their forties?
- Who’s most likely to live off the grid?
- Who’s most likely to give the best relationship advice but choose to remain single?
- Who’s more likely to write a poem or a song to someone they’re attracted to?
- Who’s most likely to have their friends’ backs when it matters most?
- Who’s most likely to order food for a friend on a rough day?
- Who’s most likely to woo their crush by organizing a flash mob?
- Who’s most likely to give terrible advice?
- Who’s most likely to woo their crush by making them something edible?
- Who’s most likely to have a pen pal with ties to extraterrestrials?
- Who’s most likely to adopt a pet from a friend who can’t keep it?
- Who’s most likely to have a secret life in another town?
- Who’s most likely to have a sketchy browser history?
- Who’s most likely to join an MLM for overpriced candles or beauty products?
- Who’s most likely to start a blog with a terrible domain name? 77 Of The Best Ever Truth Or Dare Questions 77 Questions To Ask Your Significant Other For A Closer Connection 151 Great Philosophical Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves
Most Likely to Questions for Couples
- Who’s more likely to spend too much on junkfood?
- Who’s more likely to leave an army of empty toilet paper tubes on the counter?
- Who’s more likely to watch romantic movies and cry over them?
- Who’s more likely to invite people over just for fun?
- Who’s more likely to have or to want a pet that scares most other people?
- Who’s more likely to forget birthday or other important events?
- Who’s more likely to work on their own birthday?
- Who’s more likely to get a speeding ticket?
- Who’s more likely to prefer a book and some wine over a romantic evening?
- Who’s more likely to fall asleep during a movie?
- Who’s more likely to plan a date night that involves a scavenger hunt?
- Who’s more likely to spend the night tending to a sick kid?
- Who’s more likely to play the music loud while driving?
- Who’s more likely to dress a pet up in adorable clothes and take pictures of them?
- Who’s more likely to take up a fitness challenge?
- Who’s more likely to go vegetarian or even vegan?
- Who’s more likely to give up alcohol — at least temporarily?
- Who’s more likely to keep a secret stash of their favorite decadent treat?
- Who’s more likely to leave about a spoonful of ice cream in the carton?
- Who’s more likely to argue loudly in public?
- Who’s more likely to do nice things for the other after an argument?
- Who’s more likely to learn how to make a food one or both of you have enjoyed?
- Who’s more likely to dress in the other’s clothes when they’re away?
- Who’s more likely to hold a butterly or other insect in their hand?
- Who’s more likely to stay up reading the whole night?
- Who’s more likely to stay in their pajamas all day long?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions
- Who’s most likely to sleep naked or wearing the other’s shirt?
- Who’s most likely to get frisky with someone in a bathroom?
- Who’s most likely to gift their S.O. with edible lingerie?
- Who’s most likely to plan a date night that involves dirty texting?
- Who’s most likely to use the eggplant emoji?
- Who’s most likely to send the other sexy selfies?
- Who’s most likely to stage a dirty scavenger hunt?
- Who’s most likely to make a dessert in a suggestive shape?
- Who’s most likely to ask if the other would ever consider jello wrestling?
- Who’s most likely to ask (or shop) for kinky presents?
- Who’s most likely to dress up for a flirty role-playing game?
- Who’s most likely to play strip poker?
- Who’s most likely to suggest a drinking game that also involves stripping?
- Who’s most likely to get caught wearing a trench coat with nothing else?
- Who’s most likely to have a planned wardrobe malfunction?
- Who’s most likely to write erotica and read it aloud to the other?
- Who’s most likely to go “commando” (i.e. sans underwear)?
- Who’s most likely to fool around with someone in the great outdoors?
- Who’s most likely to get arrested for indecent exposure?
- Who’s most likely to go skinny dipping?
- Who’s most likely to sunbathe partially or totally al fresco?
- Who’s most likely to wear sexy lingerie underneath their work clothes?
- Who’s most likely to have a secret steamy fling over the internet? How will you use these most likely to questions? I hope you enjoy this list of most likely questions — ideally with a friend, a family member, or a group of people who know each other. Don’t worry if your answers turn out to be wrong. This game isn’t about telling the future for anyone. It’s about having fun together — but not at anyone’s expense. Use them for a couple’s date night at home or a friendly get-together. Or text each other questions throughout the day to make each other laugh. Tag your friends and invite them to tag others. Don’t be surprised if you think of other questions worth asking. Add them to the list. And don’t rule out the possibilty that you’ll learn something that shreds your expectations. Use this power for good.