Is there a God? What will happen if there is no death to humans? Are some of the deep questions to think about. In addition, Where are all the aliens? Is there a reality beyond the one we perceive with our five senses? are some of the unanswerable questions that keep you up at night. In this article, here are 100 Deep questions to think about at night or when high about life and beyond.

100 Deep questions to think about

Here is a list of deep question to think about when you are bored

  1. Can quantum mechanics predict reality?
  2. What’s the point of my life?
  3. What am I supposed to do with my life?
  4. What if I’m not happy? Will I regret it later?
  5. Am I allowed to change my mind about my career choice later in life?
  6. Is there a way to solve the problems in the world?
  7. Why are people so afraid of death?
  8. Why does violence happen?
  9. Does morality have any value?
  10. Will God ever give us answers?
  11. What is consciousness?
  12. Do we live in a simulation?
  13. How can we find out what’s on the other side?
  14. Is time travel possible, and if so, how do we use it responsibly?
  15. What is faith? Also read: 100 Weird questions to think about (at night, in the shower, or any place)

Mind blowing deep questions to keep you up at night

Here are some of the amazing mind blowing questions to keep you up at night: 16. Why do we even need science when religion has all the answers? 17. Who gets to decide what happens after death? 18. Why does violence happen in society? 19. What is the purpose in life? 20. What will be my legacy? 21. Why do bad things happen to good people? 22. What can we learn from our past mistakes? 23. What makes one person different from another person or one animal different from another animal? 24. Is gender real or just a social construct? 25. If you could only choose one question to answer, which would it be? 26. Do people really get used to everything they see in the media (good or bad)? 27. If you were put in charge of making decisions for humanity, what would your first decision be? 28. Which do you think has more power: fear or love? 29. Would you rather be ignorant but happy or informed but sad? 30. Should I plan ahead for my future children’s education? Also read: 200 Questions to think about everything that ever exists

Deep questions to think about life

The following are some deep questions to think about life: 31. How much should I spend on their college education? 32. What should I teach them before they go off to college? 33. Should they know who their father is, and if so, should he be part of their lives/their education? 34. At what age should kids know who their father is-before or after high school graduation/college graduation (if applicable)? 35. What’s better for relationships: staying together for a long time or always changing partners? 36. Is lying OK? 37. When do you stop caring about someone? 38. What’s worse: fake news or people believing in it? 39. Should I always tell the truth to my spouse, friends, and family members no matter what? 40. How can I control my temper? 41. Why are there so many homeless people? 42. If I work hard enough, will I eventually be successful? 43. What if I become paralyzed tomorrow because of an accident; would that mean my whole life was pointless? 44. Should we eat meat because animals eat each other in nature? 45. Are we too obsessed with technology and gadgets today? Also read: 300+ Deep Questions about topics that blow your mind

Deep questions to think about when high

The following are some of the most deep questions to think about when high: 46. Do you believe money buys happiness? 47. What can I do to make myself feel better? 48. What advice would you give to my teenage self? 49. What advice would you give to my future self? 50. What advice would you give me right now? 51. What is the meaning of life? 52. What is the difference between life and living? 53. What if I don’t want to continue living anymore? 54. What’s wrong with suicide? 55. Why do people kill themselves? 56. What is the common thread among suicide victims? 57. What should I do if I suspect a friend is considering suicide? 58. Is it true that you never truly know what someone else is feeling, so you can never be sure whether or not to trust them? 59. Why do some people seem perfectly content with the life they’re leading while others suffer? 60. Should we expect anything less than perfection in life, or strive for it instead? Also read: 500+ Deep questions that make you think beyond and wonder about everything

Deep questions to think about at night

Here is a list of deep question to think about at night: 61. Why do people get married? 62. What’s the best way to start a relationship? 63. Is being single and free to do whatever I want the ultimate form of freedom? 64. How do you know if you’re in love with someone or lusting after them? 65. How can I be smarter and have a better memory? 66. Should we give up on fixing our planet Earth and leave it for a new one, like Mars or somewhere far away from here? 67. How do you know if you’re in love with someone or lusting after them? 68. How can I be smarter and have a better memory? 69. Should we give up on fixing our planet Earth and leave it for a new one, like Mars or somewhere far away from here? 70. If the world is doomed, should I still try to save it? Also read: 70+ Questions that keep you up at night

Deep Questions to make you think

Here is a list deep questions to make you think when you are bored: 71. What is the meaning of life? 72. What is the difference between life and living? 73. What if I don’t want to continue living anymore? 74. What should I do if I suspect a friend is considering suicide? 75. Is it true that you never truly know what someone else is feeling, so you can never be sure whether or not to trust them? 76. Why do some people seem perfectly content with the life they’re leading while others suffer? 77. What is the sound of one hand clapping? 78. What did we learn from Donald Trump’s first days in office? 79. What is the universe made of? 80. What is inside the blackhole? 81. Is there life on other planets? 82. What does I’m offended really mean? 83. Which side is your gut telling you to take? 84. Is it bad to lie sometimes? 85. What happens if we don’t die? Also read: 500+ Philosophical questions from funny to deep that provoke you

Deep Questions about science and universe to think about

Here is a list of deep questions about science, world, space and universe to think about: 86. How much time do I have left to live? 87. What is the cure for cancer? 88. Will artificial intelligence replace humans as pets’ companions someday? 89. Can someone help me solve this math problem about triples: find triple numbers such that their sum equals 36? 90. Did the Pythagorean theorem exist before Pythagoras? 91. Did Galileo discover gravity? 92. Did Newton invent calculus? 93. Did Einstein come up with relativity theory by himself or was he influenced by anyone else? 94. Why did consciousness emerge but not any other? 95. What is the biggest mystery in human history? 96. What are the things we will never understand no matter how hard we tried? 97. Is God real? 98. Is it necessary to believe in destiny or fate? 99. Why am I me? 100. What if everything is real that we ever imagined? Also read: 50+ Questions that mess with your mind We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.